Myopia & Ortho-k
No longer do short sighted children need to simply get stronger glasses every year. There are many things we can do to slow or even prevent progression of your child’s myopia.
Orthokeratology (or Ortho-K) lenses are individually custom designed contact lenses, worn overnight, which gently reshape the cornea. Once removed in the daytime, they leave your child with clear vision all day and complete freedom to participate in sport and swimming activities, without having to worry about their glasses or contact lenses. They can also be fitted for some short sighted adults. Ortho-k is great for adults who don’t want to wear contacts or specs during the day. It’s even better for myopic children, because ortho-k prevents their myopia from becoming worse over time.
Myopia control contact lenses and spectacle lenses are worn during the day like normal contact lenses or glasses, but are specially designed to control myopic progression.
If the solutions above are not effective on their own, or if your child is too young to use them, atropine eye drops can be used to control myopic progression as well
Andrew Robinson has years of experience in myopia management and is an expert in ortho-K lenses. His ortho-K patients love them! If you’re interested in whether you, or your child, might be a candidate for ortho-k, give us a call or (if you are not a current patient or haven’t seen us in over 2 years) book a full comprehensive appointment online to see Andrew.