Macular Care
Why do we ask?
Macular Degeneration (MD) is devastating and very common.
Our Macular Care Program aims to keep you seeing well for the rest of your life, and it works.
Macular Care is simple. For everyone over 50, we:
Use our OCT scanner to ensure our patients don’t even show the earliest beginnings of what can become MD. This is done every 2 years from 50-65 years of age, then annually.
Ensure our patients know the best ways to reduce their chances of developing MD. These include diet and exercise strategies, gut health strategies, non-smoking status and sun protection.
For everyone who shows the earliest signs of potential problems, we talk to our patients in-depth about exactly what they can do to improve their chances of stopping the disease in its tracks. These strategies work.
We strongly recommend that you take a look at our ICU-Tube video and information sheet on macular care and macular degeneration.