
Just about everybody can expect to develop cataracts at some stage.

Fortunately, because they’re so common, they’re much easier to address than ever before. A cataract is any opacity of the lens inside your eye. Technically, most people have some opacity in their lenses by about age 40, so technically, most people have cataracts by then. Most of these early opacities don’t cause any visual problems though, and we usually don’t even bother to mention them.

However, some opacities do get worse over time, and most people by the age of 70 will have developed a significant cataract in one or both eyes.

Causes include ultraviolet light, injury, some medications, diabetes, and most commonly, the x-factor of the ageing process.



The effect of cataracts is to blur your vision. It’s like having a dirty windscreen, but inside your eye.

Just like a dirty windscreen in your car, it doesn’t matter how good your glasses are, you still have to look through the haze. Some people experience double vision, and increased glare sensitivity is common. We can guess at how fast your cataract might progress to the point where surgery will definitely be needed, but it’s only a guess. Each person is different. Your lenses might become significantly more hazy within 6 months, or take 5 years or more to change significantly.

Click here to read more and book an appointment to talk with one of our optometrists.