Diabetes is the most common cause of preventable blindness world-wide.
Diabetes can cause bleeding and scarring in your retinas, leading to serious vision problems, especially if your blood glucose levels are not under good control. Diabetes also increases the risk of developing glaucoma.
If you have diabetes, we'll check your eyes annually, through dilated pupils to best check your retinal health. You will need to avoid driving for 4 hours after your appointment, so please bring someone with you to drive you home, or plan to use a bus, taxi or Uber. We recommend that you bring some sunglasses to your appointment to shield you from glare after your examination.
Diabetes & the Eyes
Why do we ask?
On the left you will see that the pupil is much larger. This is what getting your eyes dilated will look like. It is completely painless with the only discomfort being that your eyes will be more sensitive for harsh lights for a couple of hours.